Lou Gehrig’s disease


Could algae blooms cause Lou Gehrig’s Disease?

Researchers are now linking some ALS incidence with folks who live near large bodies of water, a new piece in Scientific American points out. It writes: About five years ago, doctors at a New Hampshire hospital noticed a pattern in their ALS patients—many of them, like Gilmore, lived near water. Since then, researchers at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center […]

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MedCity Influencers

Medical Megatrends Stem Cells — Part III

A cure for spinal cord injury? Diabetes? Macular degeneration? Hope or just hype? There are now some clinical trials using embryonic stem cells to treat serious diseases for which no other good therapy is currently available. But this is just the beginning of a major medical megatrend that will blossom forth in the coming years. […]